Additional modules for WordPress
150+ pre-designed modules that can be quickly deployed and customized
Our WordPress solution comes with a large selection of ready-made modules that allow you to quickly create relevant, pre-designed content. For example various content blocks, price tables, info boxes, page headers / footers, and buttons are included. The modules are integrated with WordPress, activated with a few clicks and completely customizable.
Settings that WordPress does not have by default:
- Additional text style options
- More flexible content layouts
- More detailed color choices for backgrounds, frames, text, and links
- Highly customizable backgrounds with smooth color transitions
- Selection of SVG icons
- Animated effects for modules
- Centrally managed styles, style copying from one module to another
- …and many more
A new level of categories and tags
WordPress has options for categorizing content built in, you can add tags to articles and pages. With the help of the powerful add-on, we offer our customers the possibility to display content by category and ID throughout WordPress, so that the content is changed in only one place. This is important if you have a lot of articles, services or posts. A similar structure is used in e-shops to categorize products – we will extend it to the entire content.
Search engine optimization (SEO) settings
On the Wallmarketing pages, the SEO plugin is installed by default and the technical SEO comes pre-configured. Automatic sitemap generation is provided, each page has fields for entering keywords and descriptions. We can help you connect the page with social media accounts and take care of your online marketing overall.
Multilingual sites
Our multilingual sites are usually built on the WordPress MultiSite platform. In essence this means, that each language is a parallel installation of WordPress that uses the same backend code and plug-ins.
Pros of the solution:
- Flexibility – each language can have a completely different content. However, pages with direct translations can be linked together – changing the language of the page opens the same, translated content.
- Optimization and speed – translation plug-ins tend to be large and add additional code for translation administration and display. Multisite is technically much lighter and therefore faster.
- Translations can have different domains – MultiSite allows you to use a local, country-specific domain for a language. Translation plugins are “so-so” in this regard.
Disadvantages of the solution:
- Somewhat more complicated to set up.
- Some considerations on management and plugin support.